The Effectiveness of a Training Program, which Develops Positive Parental Behaviors and its Impact on Enhancing Secure Attachment Pattern among Children in Middle Childhood Stage

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychology Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education Ain Shams University - Egypt

2 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education Ain Shams University - Egypt


The present study aims to examine the impact of a training program, which develops positive parental behaviors among  mothers on enhancing secure attachment pattern for children in middle childhood stage The experimental sample consists of mothers) n=12) aged between 29 and 45 years with an average age (m=35.00) and a standard deviation  )st=4.285) and the number of the children of mothers participating in the program (n=12) to discover the extent of change at the level of secure attachment as a dependent variable; the number of males (n= 8) and the number of females (n=4) whose ages range between 6 and 12 years, with an average age (m=9.25) and a standard deviation (st=2.301 (.The study includes number of tools patterns of attachment scale prepared by Nelly Karam Allah (2017;( as for the tools applied on the sample of mothers, they include the family assessment scale, translated and prepared by Shimaa Ahmed Megahd (2012, (and the attachment program for developing positive parental behaviors, prepared by researcher (2021). The results of the study have revealed the presence of statistically significant differences in the skills of the family assessment scale (problem solving, sympathy, family roles, the total score on the family assessment scale) between the average scores of mothers in the pre-measurement and the post-measurement after the mothers’ exposure to the training program, in favor of the post-measurement at the level (0.05). There are also differences in the mothers’ average scores between the post-measurement and the follow-up measurement in relation to the family assessment skills (emotional response, sympathy, family roles), in favor of the follow-up measurement.The results have also revealed the presence of statistically significant differences in the secure attachment pattern among children in the middle childhood stage after their mothers’ exposure to the training program, in favor of the post-measurement at the level (0.05), but there are no significant differences in the secure attachment pattern among the children between the post-measurement and the follow-up measurement at the signal level (0.05).


Main Subjects

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