Challenges of Using Digital Learning Technology in Early Childhood Institutions in light of Contemporary Global Trends (A Future Vision)

Document Type : Original Article


Childhood Education Department Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


The research aimed to identify the challenges of employing digital learning technology in early childhood institutions in view of contemporary global trends, and the research was addressed through three maincategories: Digital learning technology, challenges of employing digital learning technology in early childhood institutions & contemporary global trends in employing digital learning technology. The research has reached several challenges represented in: Lack of technological devices in some families, Poor technical equipment – poor internet speed- Poor skill level of some families when dealing with information technology. Lack of cooperation between the children's families and their kindergarten teachers.The research recommended the need to use technology in early childhood as a supporting tool to improve children's learning and provide them with digital capabilities to deal with the digital revolution, with attention to encouraging children to interact, play, discover the natural world and express themselves in playgrounds, gardens, and interactive activities to develop skills of cooperation, participation, and teamwork.


Main Subjects

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