Effectiveness of a Training Programme to Develop Mind Theory Tasks for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychology Faculty of Women for Arts, Science &Education

2 Faculty of Women – Ain Shams University


The present study aims to develop Mind Theory tasks for children with autism disorder. The study sample consists of (10) children with autism spectrum disorder who are divided into two experimental and control groups each consists of (5) children. The children’s ages range between (6-9) years with an average age of (8.54) years, and a standard deviation of (0.28). The researcher utilizes the Arab Binet Intelligence Scale (4th Edition) prepared and standardized by Hanoura (2003), the Theory of Mind Skills in children with autism disorder, and the training program. The study resulted in an obvious improvement in the experimental group in the tasks of the Theory of Mind.


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